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Therapy of muscle tension and muscle pain by using botulinum toxin

Persistent muscle hardening and muscle tension often lead to chronic pain. If local injections, massages and physiotherapy do not improve, targeted botulinum toxin injection into the painful areas can be relieved. Botulinum toxin has been used for 20 years in numerous muscular disorders characterized by a high inappropriate muscle contraction. By injecting the smallest amounts of botulinum toxin into the painful muscle hardening, the vicious cycle of muscle tension and pain is interrupted. A noticeable effect occurs only after 4 to 8 days and can last for three to six months.

The use of botulinum toxin, especially in the deep musculature (piriformis), can only be done under tomographic control and requires accurate functional and anatomical knowledge as well as extensive experience in the application

Interventionelle Schmerztherapie, Schmerzen, Rückenschmerzen, Diagnose, Therapie, Beschwerden, Computertomographie, Kernspintomographie, Mikrotherapie, Wirbelsäule, Rücken, Knie,  Orthobiologische Therapieverfahren, Nackenschmerzen, Operation, Spinalkanalstenose, Beinschmerzen, Muskelschmerzen, Gelenkschmerzen, Nackenschmerzen, Osteoporose, Tumor, Metastasenbefall, Athrose, Wirbelgeiten
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